Yoga with Jen

Find Your Flow

Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Restorative, Chair

In-Studio Yoga Classes

Private Yoga - Individual + Group

Weekly Yoga Schedule





Beach Yoga:

Yoga Class Descriptions

  • Slowing down the flow can help you maintain control of your breath, build determination, and intensify your practice. True to its name, SFDS is a smooth linking of unhurried breath with movement, intensified by mindfully holding postures for several breaths, awakening your body and clearing your mind. Explore the details of each posture at a comfortable pace to allow your body to deepen into a stretch or pause in a strength-building pose. Expect deep hip, back and leg openings with longer holds to gain strength and increased mobility. Get into the rhythm of this truly invigorating class and find true balance in this moving meditation. Good for all levels.

  • Chair Yoga will improve your energy level, strength, balance and flexibility while sitting in a chair or using a chair for support. Chair yoga is suitable for those who are unable or uncomfortable standing for extended periods or for those who find it difficult to move from floor to standing. This practice will offer you the opportunity to keep up with your daily activities and generally improve your basic fitness.

  • This dynamic vinyasa practice is always evolving. Expect a creative sequence in which your teacher unpacks complex poses by building on the foundations of flow. This class may include arm balances and inversions, but will always conclude with a full savasana and seated meditation. Add the element of heat (85-90 deg) to create a greater surrender of the muscles as they open and strengthen. This practice will help shake out stagnation and ignite your inner fire.

  • Beach Yoga is an all-levels, yoga based movement practice incorporating breath and awareness of the qualities of nature around us.

  • Begin by warming up the body and working out your day with traditional sun salutes. Move toward longer holds of stretching postures and longer breaths. Leave ready to rest your body in deep sleep and begin your week with a calm mind.

  • Therapeutic and soothing to the soul. Practiced primarily on the floor, poses are deliberate and unhurried, and are not physically demanding. This class is appropriate for students of all levels, including students new to yoga or students dealing with stress or injuries.

Mary K.

“Jen is a very knowledgeable and compassionate instructor who loves teaching all people, no matter age or ability. Her approach is encouraging and appropriately humorous!”

Sue D.

Jen is a delight! Her yoga style is gentle, thorough and relaxing. Her voice is calming and nurturing. Jen is a great instructor. She has such a great sense of humor..”

Private + Group Yoga

Private yoga is helpful for those new to yoga, as well as those wanting to elevate their practice. Group yoga is a fun and bonding experience for families, bridal parties, and corporate meetings. Sessions can be brought to your home, workplace, beach, or arranged at a local studio.

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